(Reactor Engineering Consulting)
Staff Augmentation Options:
RETAQS, Inc. offers experienced PWR and BWR Principal Reactor Engineers for short term staff augmentation assignments. Two plans for providing these short term resources to your staff are available:
Option One: On-Site Support - RETAQS can provide personal with significant reactor engineering experience at your station. These engineers can be qualified for Control Room duties, provide independent assessments, and support short term projects.
Option Two: Remote Support - RETAQS can provide routine Reactor Engineering duties such as:
- Procedure Review
- Program Assessments
- Power Maneuver Planning
- Cycle Step-out Control Rod Pattern Development
- Response to Industry Events
These functions can be provided remotely (via Remote Computer Connection). This option can be combined with a "short notice" on site support option to provide comprehensive Reactor Engineering coverage. Under this option, you pay only for the services you need, when you need them.